Sabtu, 24 Oktober 2009

The Most Frequent DUI Penalties

Driving under the influence is one of the most common reasons for arrest and court appearances. If you are convicted, there are many common DUI penalties you should expect. Most of these penalties will not be handed down by a judge.

First of all, there are a number of DUI penalties written into law. These are the consequences you would typically be aware of. First-time DUIs usually result in a fine and license suspension. In most states, your license will be taken at the time of arrest by the arresting officer. Expect to pay hundreds or thousands of dollars for the fine and the cost of getting your license back. A number of states have jail sentences included for first-time convictions but most of the time, you will be put on probation instead. If you are a repeat offender, expect harsher fines, a longer license suspension, and a jail sentence. Depending on the number of repeat offenses, you may end up losing your license permanently.

Secondly, there are financial DUI penalties besides the levied fines and the fees associated with getting your license back. When you get your license back and need to have your insurance reinstated, expect to see a large jump in your premiums, from $100 to $600 a month or more. The increase will depend on the insurance company, the state you live in, and the number of DUI convictions on your record. Some insurance companies will drop your coverage completely. In these cases, you may need to seek out a company specializing in high-risk drivers that charges high premiums.

Thirdly, your job or job search will have a number of DUI penalties, some expected and some not. Most employers require background checks or, at the very least, disclosure of arrests or convictions in your past. A potential boss is not going to be impressed with a DUI on your record. In some cases, depending on the employer and the job’s duties, you may lose your chance to be hired. If you are already employed, you will be dependent on someone else to get you to work and you may not be able to carry out your usual duties until your license is reinstated. In some cases, such as jobs that require driving, you may end up losing your job.

Finally, your personal life is going to have some changes. These DUI penalties are the ones least thought about before you get behind the wheel. Friday nights will no longer be a night to go to the bar with your friends. Thanks to your DUI, you will not be allowed to enter a drinking establishment. If you have kids, you will not be able to take them anywhere without a driver until your license is reinstated. This will not be as difficult if you’re married, but your spouse will not be happy about having to take on additional responsibilities. If you are divorced with children, yourex-spouse may choose to take you to court to remove or reduce your parental rights.

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